• info@prismeye.in
  • Panvel, Navi Mumbai,
  • we provide best

    EYE care solution

    Experienced & qualified eye specialists
  • We offer a complete Range of

    eye care services

    LASIK and PRK refractive surgery, eye exams,
    vision testing for glasses and contacts
  • Quality treatment

    at affordable prices

    The idea of coming together and making a
    significant beneficial impact for patients

Why PRISM..?

Making a significant beneficial impact for patients
  • Quality treatment at affordable prices
  • Experienced & qualified eye specialists
  • Pleasant ambience with focus on your eyes
  • Save your Money and Time with us
  • Friendly and helpful service

About our Logo

The simplistic design of converging rays suggests the coming together of multiple entities to create a single valuable product .

Seen in the opposite way the divering rays suggest the dissemination of quality eye care and teaching from the institute .


“From I to we so that all may see “…

The idea of coming together and making a significant beneficial impact for patients,

doctors and the community at large drives us

About Us

PRISM eye Institute is a group practice of 3 doctors from New Panvel and Navi Mumbai region. The three doctors , Dr Pritam Rajput , Dr Rahul Baile and Dr Mahesh Uparkar were friends in college and in professional life and it was a natural culmination of this friendship that led to the idea of working together .

Our primary aim for coming together was the need to create a teaching platform for doctors and optometrists considering the vast shared experience amongst us coming from our training in different backgrounds . This was something sorely lacking during our formative years as Ophthalmologists and we wished dearly to give back to our community what we have learnt so far.

Our Services

“From I to we so that all may see "...

The idea of coming together and making a significant beneficial impact for patients ,
doctors and the community at large drives us .

Our Doctors